Wednesday, September 5, 2012

week 2

"The Spanish used this time to install Catholic images in the temples and prohibit the practice of human sacrifice. They also discovered treasure in the palaces and seized it. Their delight and greed caught the notice of the Mexica." Victors and Vanquished: Tenochtitlan, 128

"God wills it!" has been a rallying cry for many purposes. From prophets calling people to repentance to Jim Jones and the Jonestown suicide, to the Crusaders,  people of influence have used the name of God to attain the results that they long for. Hernan Cortez was no different than many of the leaders during the religious crusades termed the Holy Wars in the Middle East as shown in the above video. 

“I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of God. I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is here [the head] and here [the heart] and what you decide to do every day will make you a good man...or not.”

― Hospitaller, The Kingdom Of Heaven

Hernan came to Mexico seeking riches and possessions while using the facade of missionary work as an excuse to kill, pillage, rape, and murder. Cortez sought to control lands and peoples for his 'patria' and used whatever means necessary to bring about his purposes. The Crusaders sought to bring the gospel to everyone and control Jerusalem at any cost, just like Cortez in the Americas. 

Cortez desired to change the indian's way of life, culture, and religion. He gave no respect to the customs, rituals, or beliefs of the Mexica. Cortez was a fanatic of his own success and dominion. As I read this I remembered my mission and how many of the young missionaries would completely disrespect a lot of the religious views of the many Catholic Mexicans that we taught. They would do anything they could just to baptize them. They would say things to investigators similar to how Cortez spoke to Montezuma after he was shown the idols and gods, 

"these idols of yours are not gods, but evil things that are called devils... we may divide off a space where we can set up an image of Our Lady". 
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of God, but i also believe that we cannot be true ambassadors of our Savior Jesus Christ if we are rude and offend those who would accept the gospel if we would simply teach by the spirit the truths of the gospel and the error of their beliefs. 

I believe that the Crusaders, Jim Jones, some inconsiderate missionaries, and Cortez attained their desires and imposed their ideas in an incorrect fashion. They did what they did for selfish and radical reasons and defiled a pure purpose with their own agenda. 

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