Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kings or Male Divas?

"They were kings, true kings, and not those sovereigns wigged in false hair who played at cup and ball and were gods only when they strutted the stage of their court theaters, effeminately pointing a leg in the measures of a rigadoon. These white monarchs lent more ear to the symphonies  of violins and the whispers of gossip, the tittle-tattle of their mistresses and the warble of their stringed birds, than to the roar of cannon against the spur of the crescent moon. (The Kingdoms of This World, Alejo, 8) 

In this part of the book, the slave named Ti Noel is comparing the kings that he has heard of back in Africa to the kings of Europe that he now sees. He had just explained how amazing and manly the African kings were and then goes on to say that the kings that now are ruling are really a bunch of pansies. He says that they are doing things that they shouldn't be doing. They should be out ruling their land, protecting it, and providing for it instead of doing the girly things the European kings were doing. 

Sadly I see the same thing happening in our American government. Back when we were becoming our own country, all of our politicians were out fighting for our country, they were the manly men that were considered real heroes. They put their lives on the line to help others. George Washington, our first president, fought in the worst of conditions because that is what leaders do for those over whom they govern. George Washington was like the devoted, powerful, duty-filled, African kings. 

Now in our time, we have presidents who busy themselves with things that are not important for the welfare of the country they run. Our current president, Barack Obama, was on ESPN last year filling out his bracket for the NCAA March Madness tournament. He goes on expensive vacations when he should be working, and he is trying to live the life of a movie star when he should be worried about our national debt. Barack Obama is like the European kings and doing things that he should not. 

I think that the author is trying to get the point across that those who have a responsibility should fulfill it, those who are in power should be powerful, and those who should be leading should actually lead. 

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